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Tax and business advice for car dealerships and car service companies

The tax law challenges are quite extensive and complex, especially in the motor vehicle industry. Particularly in day-to-day business, there is little time to familiarize oneself in detail with the individual issues and still meet the requirements of the tax authorities.

We are familiar with the special advisory needs, problems and challenges of the industry, because as one of the largest specialist law firms, dealing with the special tax features of the motor vehicle industry is our daily business. Your car dealership-specific annual accounts are in the best hands with us. With our special know-how at our offices in Munich, Bad Wörishofen, Berlin and Gera, we offer you tax and business advice tailored to your needs.

Feel free to contact us - we will also find the optimal solution for you!

Tax advice car dealership icon

Here is just a small excerpt from our consulting spectrum:

  • We have mastered the SKR51 from the FF
  • Inventory valuation is our daily bread
  • we are at home with leasing provisions
  • we know the bonus programmes of the manufacturers
  • any sales tax question in car dealerships and service companies is our playground
  • through our RAW partner key figure traffic light you get comparability for your company


We know the special tax requirements, but also the possibilities, when selling vehicles abroad.
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Sales tax car dealership